Monday, May 03, 2010

I am 38 and a half weeks and I am HUGE. I have 6 days of work and then the waiting game begins. The doctor seems to think Geoff and I will be waiting a while because this little boy hasn’t decided to come out from behind my ribs and my cervix hasn’t started to thin or dilate. I know this could all happen overnight but at this point it looks like he is enjoying his time and doesn’t have any plans to come meet the rest of the world.

1 comment:

Kelly Munns said...

i know you feel huge, but you aren't! seriously, you look teeny! i thought i was big with my first and it took me having another to realize that it was possible to get bigger. so watch out ;)

good luck with everything! it's a good thing if your baby wants to stay put. that means they're just getting bigger and stronger. isaac was 5lbs 14 oz at birth and it was much more pleasant pushing out his brother who weighed 8lbs 2oz.