The short version of the story goes something liek this.....
On Monday the 10th of May I went into labor right after I got home from work,after two quick hours my contractions went from 30 minutes apart to 4 so we called the hospital and headed in at about 7:30 PM. When I got there I was only 1cm(that was being generous)so they gave me an hour to see if anything happened and if not they were going to send me home. after an hour and nothing happened... UGH! We did however talke the nurse into letting us stay one more hour to see if I would progress anymore. At that point I was having rolling contractions that weren't letting up so I didnt think I would be able to handle them at home or on the 35 min car drive home. Plus if the contrations were already less than one minute apart how would we know when to head back.?. after the second hour there I was almost 2cm so they told us we were "keepers".
After many hours of laying, walking, bathing, breathing....hard, 16 hours to be exact I was told it was time to push. I started to push at 12:00 PM and at 1:50 our little man was born.